Charaka Siddhisthana Chapter 1 – Kalpanasiddhi

Charaka Siddhisthana Chapter 1 – Kalpanasiddhi


This text explains the primary chapter of siddhisthana of Charaka samhita known as ‘Kalpana siddhi Adhyaya’. On this chapter, fundamental ideas of Vamana, Virechana, Basti and Nasya remedies are defined.

अथातः कल्पनासिद्धिं व्याख्यास्यामः||१|| इति ह स्माह भगवानात्रेयः||२||
athātaḥ kalpanāsiddhiṃ vyākhyāsyāmaḥ||1|| iti ha smāha bhagavānātreyaḥ||2||
Now we will expound the chapter coping with “the Process for profitable administration of PanchaKarma”. Thus, stated Lord Atreya. [1-2]

Queries of Agnivesha

Agnivesha, the foremost among the many disciplines (of Punarvasu Atreya) places his queries earlier than his preceptor. They’re as follows:
What’s the prescribed process for the administration of Panchakarma (5 specialised therapies)? [The answer will be provided in verse nos.6 2/4 – 2/4 10]
Through which order these 5 therapies needs to be administered? [The answer will be provided in verse nos. 10 2/4- 2/4 15]
What are the indicators of correct, improper and extreme administration of those therapies? [The answer will be provided in verse nos. 15 2/4 – 24, 40 2/4 – 2/4 47]
What variety of enemas needs to be given? [The answer will be provided in verse nos. 25-26 and 47 2/4 – 50]
What are the therapeutic results of medicated enema (Basti)? [The answer will be provided in verse nos. 27- 34, 38- 2/4 40]
What sort of Basti (medicated enema) is helpful for which kind of illness? [The answer will be provided in verse nos. 36-37]
What needs to be prevented in the course of the course of the therapy? [The answer will be provided in verse nos. 54 2/4- 2/4 55]
What’s the interval between the administrations of various therapies? [The answer will be provided in verse no. 2/4 54]
What’s the motive for the enema not getting into into the rectum after having administered? [The answer will be provided in verse no. 55 2/4- 2/4 56]
What makes the recipe of enema to come back out sooner than the scheduled time? [The answer will be provided in verse nos. 56 2/4 – 2/4 57]
What’s the explanation for delay within the evacuation of the administered recipe of medicated enema? And [the answer will be provided in verse no. 2/4 56]
Why do some illnesses although curable don’t get cured even when recipes for every are administered? [The answer will be provided in verse nos. 57 2/4- 2/4
In relation to those questions, Punarvasu, who’s the foremost amongst physicians who’s well-versed in scriptures, replied as follows with a view of selling the welfare of human beings. [3-2/4 6]


Length of Snehana

त्र्यहावरं सप्तदिनं परं तु स्निग्धो नरः स्वेदयितव्य उक्तः ||६||
नातः परं स्नेहनमादिशन्ति सात्म्यीभवेत् सप्तदिनात् परं तु|७|

tryahāvaraṃ saptadinaṃ paraṃ tu snigdho naraḥ svedayitavya uktaḥ ||6||
nātaḥ paraṃ snehanamādiśanti sātmyībhavet saptadināt paraṃ tu|7|

Length of Oleation remedy
To an individual who has undergone snehana remedy, the swedana remedy needs to be administered. It needs to be administered constantly for no less than three days to a most interval of seven days. Oleation remedy isn’t really useful after the seventh day as a result of, by then the particular person’s physique will get saturated / accustomed with it. [6 2/4- 2/4 7]

Results of Snehana, Swedana

Therapeutic Results of Oleation Remedy:
स्नेहोऽनिलं हन्ति मृदूकरोति देहं मलानां विनिहन्ति सङ्गम्||७||
sneho’nilaṃ hanti mṛdūkaroti dehaṃ malānāṃ vinihanti saṅgam||7||
Oleation remedy –
alleviates aggravated Vata Dosha,
softens the physique and
disintegrates the adhered morbid materials [in the channels of oleation] [7 2/4]

Therapeutic results of Fomentation Remedy:
स्निग्धस्य सूक्ष्मेष्वयनेषु लीनं स्वेदस्तु दोषं नयति द्रवत्वम्|८|
snigdhasya sūkṣmeṣvayaneṣu līnaṃ svedastu doṣaṃ nayati dravatvam|8|
Fomentation liquefies the morbid materials adhered even within the fantastic channels of the physique of an individual who has undergone oleation remedy. [2/4 8]

Meals to trigger Dosha Utklesha

Measures for Thrilling Morbid materials:
ग्राम्यौदकानूपरसैः समांसैरुत्क्लेशनीयः पयसा च वम्यः||८||
रसैस्तथा जाङ्गलजैः सयूषैः स्निग्धैः कफावृद्धिकरैर्विरेच्यः|९|
grāmyaudakānūparasaiḥ samāṃsairutkleśanīyaḥ payasā ca vamyaḥ||8||
rasaistathā jāṅgalajaiḥ sayūṣaiḥ snigdhaiḥ kaphāvṛddhikarairvirecyaḥ|9|
The one who is to be administered emesis is given milk and meat in addition to meat-soup of domesticated animals and animals residing in aquatic and wetlands within the type of meals for inflicting excitation of kapha.
The one who is to be given purgation remedy is given soup of the meat of animals inhabiting arid zones and vegetable-soup added with fats to carry concerning the excitation of Pitta, which additionally don’t trigger aggravation of Kapha. [8 2/4 – 2/4 9]

Causes for Vamana, Virechana Working in Reverse Methods

श्लेष्मोत्तरश्छर्दयति ह्यदुःखं विरिच्यते मन्दकफस्तु सम्यक्||९||
अधः कफेऽल्पे वमनं विरेचयेद्विरेचनं वृद्धकफे तथोर्ध्वम्|१०|
śleṣmottaraśchardayati hyaduḥkhaṃ viricyate mandakaphastu samyak||9||
adhaḥ kaphe’lpe vamanaṃ virecayedvirecanaṃ vṛddhakaphe tathordhvam|10|
An individual with excessively aggravated kapha vomits with none issue, and the particular person having much less aggravated Kapha purges nicely. Nevertheless, if there may be much less of aggravated kapha, the emetic recipe causes purgation by means of the downward tract. Equally, if there may be aggravated kapha, the purgative recipe causes emesis by means of the upward tract. [9 2/4- 2/4 10]

Order of Administering Vamana, Virechana

स्निग्धाय देयं वमनं यथोक्तं वान्तस्य पेयादिरनुक्रमश्च||१०|| स्निग्धस्य सुस्विन्नतनोर्यथावद्विरेचनं योग्यतमं प्रयोज्यम् |११|
snigdhāya deyaṃ vamanaṃ yathoktaṃ vāntasya peyādiranukramaśca||10|| snigdhasya susvinnatanoryathāvadvirecanaṃ yogyatamaṃ prayojyam |11|
Emetic remedy is run to an individual based on the suitable process (described in Kalpa 1:14) after his physique has been subjected to oleation remedy.
After emesis, he’s given systematic dietetic routine (samsarjana-Krama) with Peya (skinny gruel), and so on.
Thereafter, the one that has undergone oleation and fomentation therapies, is run one of the best suited purgation remedy appropriately (ref. Sutra 15:17) 10 2/4 – 2/4 11)

Submit- therapeutic Measures (Samsarjana karma)

पेयां विलेपीमकृतं कृतं च यूषं रसं त्रिर्द्विरथैकशश्च||११|| क्रमेण सेवेत विशुद्धकायः प्रधानमध्यावरशुद्धिशुद्धः|१२|
peyāṃ vilepīmakṛtaṃ kṛtaṃ ca yūṣaṃ rasaṃ trirdvirathaikaśaśca||11|| krameṇa seveta viśuddhakāyaḥ pradhānamadhyāvaraśuddhiśuddhaḥ|12|
After the physique is cleansed of the morbidities [by emesis and purgation therapies] the affected person is given the under talked about within the type of meals –
Peya (skinny gruel),
Vilepi (thick gruel),
Akrta in addition to Krta yusa (unseasoned and seconded vegetable juice) and
Artaka in addition to Krta-Rasa (unseasoned and seasoned meat-soup)
Every of those dietary gadgets is given for 3, two or one meal occasions to the particular person whose physique is cleansed in accordance with both Pradhana Shudhi (most cleaning), Madhya Shudhi (reasonable cleaning) or Avara Suddhi (minimal cleansing) respectively. [11 2/4 – 2/4 12]

Results of Samsarjana Krama
यथाऽणुरग्निस्तृणगोमयाद्यैः सन्धुक्ष्यमाणो भवति क्रमेण||१२|| महान् स्थिरः सर्वपचस्तथैव शुद्धस्य पेयादिभिरन्तरग्निः|१३|
yathā’ṇuragnistṛṇagomayādyaiḥ sandhukṣyamāṇo bhavati krameṇa||12|| mahān sthiraḥ sarvapacastathaiva śuddhasya peyādibhirantaragniḥ|13|
Identical to a small spark of fireplace will get kindled into a giant and steady flame when fed steadily with dry grass, cow-dung cake, and so on., the interior hearth or the enzymes within the physique answerable for digestion and metabolism [which was subdued because of purificatory measures] in a purified particular person grows to change into robust and steady, and turns into able to digesting all varieties of meals by the [gradual] administration of Peya – skinny gruel), and so on. dietetic routine. [12 2/4- 2/4 13]

3 ranges of Shuddhi of Vamana, Virechana

जघन्यमध्यप्रवरे तु वेगाश्चत्वार इष्टा वमने षडष्टौ||१३||
दशैव ते द्वित्रिगुणा विरेके प्रस्थस्तथा द्वित्रिचतुर्गुणश्च| पित्तान्तमिष्टं वमनं विरेकादर्धं कफान्तं च विरेकमाहुः||१४||
द्वित्रान् सविट्कानपनीय वेगान्मेयं विरेके वमने तु पीतम्|१५|
jaghanyamadhyapravare tu vegāścatvāra iṣṭā vamane ṣaḍaṣṭau||13||
daśaiva te dvitriguṇā vireke prasthastathā dvitricaturguṇaśca| pittāntamiṣṭaṃ vamanaṃ virekādardhaṃ kaphāntaṃ ca virekamāhuḥ||14||
dvitrān saviṭkānapanīya vegānmeyaṃ vireke vamane tu pītam|15|

In Vamana
in Jaghanya or Avara shudhi (minimal sort of cleaning) – 4 Vegas (bouts of vomiting) with amount of vomitus – 1 Prastha – 768 ml
In Madhya Shudhi (Average) – 6 vegas – amount of vomitus – 1.152 liters
In Pravara Shudhi (most cleaning) – 8 bouts of vomiting – amount of vomitus – 1.536 liters

In Virechana,
in Jaghanya or Avara Suddhi – 10 Vegas, with 2 Prastha mala (1.536 liters of amount of stool)
Madhyama Shudhi – 20 Vegas with 3 Prastha mala (2.304 l)
Pravara Shudhi – 30 Vegas with 4 Prastha mala (3.072 l)

pittāntamiṣṭaṃ vamanaṃ – It’s fascinating that the emetic remedy ought to find yourself with the vomiting of Pitta (bile).
And the vomited materials is half of what’s described for purgative remedy [by implication, in the Jaghnya Shudhi, Madhya Shudhi and Pravara shudhi, the vomited material is one, one and a half, and two Prastha respectively.]

kaphāntaṃ ca virekam – The purgation remedy ought to find yourself with the voiding of Kapha (phlegm).
Within the case of purgation remedy, the primary two or three motions containing faeces shouldn’t be taken under consideration whereas measuring the amount of voided materials. Equally, within the case of emetic remedy, the amount of medicine taken for the remedy is excluded whereas measuring the vomited materials. [13 ½ – 2/4 15]

Vamana Samyak, Mithya Yoga, Ayoga

क्रमात् कफः पित्तमथानिलश्च यस्यैति सम्यग्वमितः स इष्टः||१५||
हृत्पार्श्वमूर्धेन्द्रियमार्गशुद्धौ तथा लघुत्वेऽपि च लक्ष्यमाणे|१६|
kramāt kaphaḥ pittamathānilaśca yasyaiti samyagvamitaḥ sa iṣṭaḥ||15||
hṛtpārśvamūrdhendriyamārgaśuddhau tathā laghutve’pi ca lakṣyamāṇe|16|

Vamana Samyak Yoga:
Indicators of appropriately Administered Emetic Remedy
Under talked about are the indicators of correctly administered emetic remedy –
– Expulsion of Kapha (Phlegm), pitta (bile) and Vayu (flatus and wind) in succession,
– Feeling of readability in coronary heart, sides of the chest, head and channels of circulation,
– Feeling of readability of the sense organs,
– Feeling of lightness of the physique,
– Feeling energetic,
– Promotion of Agni (energy of digestion and metabolism),
– Freedom from illnesses (attributable to Doshas for which the purgation remedy was administered) and
– Expulsion of faeces, Pitta (bile), kapha (phlegm) and Vayu (flatus) in succession (that order)

Mithya Yoga of Vamana
दुश्छर्दिते स्फोटककोठकण्डूहृत्खाविशुद्धिर्गुरुगात्रतां च||१६||

Indicators of Improperly Administered Emetic Remedy
Improperly administered emetic remedy (i.e., with the recipe of small amount), provides rise to
sphotaka (postural eruptions),
kotha (urticaria),
kandu (itching),
lack of readability within the coronary heart in addition to
sense organs and heaviness of the physique [16 2/4]

Ati Yoga of Vamana

तृण्मोहमूर्च्छानिलकोपनिद्राबलादिहानिर्वमनेऽति च स्यात्|१७|
tṛṇmohamūrcchānilakopanidrābalādihānirvamane’ti ca syāt|17|

Indicators of Emetic Remedy Administered in Extra:
If there may be extreme administration of emetic remedy, then the particular person suffers from –
moha (unconsciousness),
murccha (fainting),
aggravation of Vayu,
debility, and so on.

Virechana Samyak, Mithya Yoga and Ati Yoga

Indicators of Appropriately Administered Purgation Remedy
स्रोतोविशुद्धीन्द्रियसम्प्रसादौ लघुत्वमूर्जोऽग्निरनामयत्वम्||१७|| प्राप्तिश्च विट्पित्तकफानिलानां सम्यग्विरिक्तस्य भवेत् क्रमेण|१८|
srotoviśuddhīndriyasamprasādau laghutvamūrjo’gniranāmayatvam||17|| prāptiśca viṭpittakaphānilānāṃ samyagviriktasya bhavet krameṇa|18|
If the purgation remedy is appropriately administered, the next indicators are noticed –
purity of the channels of circulation,
readability of the sense organs,
lightness of the physique,
feeling energetic,
promotion of Agni (energy of digestion and metabolism),
freedom from illnesses (attributable to Doshas for which the purgation remedy was administered) and expulsion of feces, pitta (bile), kapha (phlegm) and Vayu (flatus) in succession

Virechana Mithya Yoga
Indicators of Improperly administered Purgation Remedy:

स्याच्छ्लेष्मपित्तानिलसम्प्रकोपः सादस्तथाऽग्नेर्गुरुता प्रतिश्या||१८||
तन्द्रा तथा च्छर्दिररोचकश्च वातानुलोम्यं न च दुर्विरिक्ते|१९|
syācchleṣmapittānilasamprakopaḥ sādastathā’gnergurutā pratiśyā||18||
tandrā tathā cchardirarocakaśca vātānulomyaṃ na ca durvirikte|19|

Under talked about are the indicators of improperly administered purgation remedy (i.e., with the recipe of small amount),
extreme aggravation of kapha, Pitta and Vata,
suppression of Agni (energy of digestion and metabolism),
heaviness of the physique,
anorexia and
absence of downward motion of the flatus [18 2/4- 2/4 19]

Virechana Atiyoga
Indicators of Purgation Remedy Administered in Extra:

कफास्रपित्तक्षयजानिलोत्थाः सुप्त्यङ्गमर्दक्लमवेपनाद्याः||१९||
निद्राबलाभावतमःप्रवेशाः सोन्मादहिक्काश्च विरेचितेऽति|२०|
kaphāsrapittakṣayajānilotthāḥ suptyaṅgamardaklamavepanādyāḥ||19||
nidrābalābhāvatamaḥpraveśāḥ sonmādahikkāśca virecite’ti|20|

Under talked about are the indicators of extreme administration of purgation remedy –
illnesses attributable to the aggravation of vayu on account of the diminution of kapha, blood in addition to Pitta,
psychological fatigue,
tremor, and so on.,
madness and
hiccup [19 2/4- 2/4 20]

Spacing of Vamana, Virechana, Basti

संसृष्टभक्तं नवमेऽह्नि सर्पिस्तं पाययेताप्यनुवासयेद्वा||२०||
तैलाक्तगात्राय ततो निरूहं दद्यात्र्यहान्नातिबुभुक्षिताय| प्रस्यागते धन्वरसेन भोज्यः समीक्ष्य वा दोषबलं यथार्हम्||२१||
नरस्ततो निश्यनुवासनार्हो नात्याशितः स्यादनुवासनीयः |२२|
saṃsṛṣṭabhaktaṃ navame’hni sarpistaṃ pāyayetāpyanuvāsayedvā||20||
tailāktagātrāya tato nirūhaṃ dadyātryahānnātibubhukṣitāya| prasyāgate dhanvarasena bhojyaḥ samīkṣya vā doṣabalaṃ yathārham||21||
narastato niśyanuvāsanārho nātyāśitaḥ syādanuvāsanīyaḥ |22|

After Samsarjana-Krama, on the ninth day after Vamana, the affected person is given a portion of ghee [if purgation therapy is intended to be given subsequently]. [Similarly, on the ninth day of purgation therapy, after Samsajana-Krama, anuvasana, i.e., unctuous enema is given subsequently].

For 3 days, thereafter, the physique of the particular person is massaged with medicated oil, after which Niruha Basti is given when the particular person isn’t very hungry.
After the recipe of Niruha (evacuative enema) has come out, the affected person is given meat-soup of Jangala sort of animals (these inhabiting arid forest zone) or some other applicable weight loss plan relying upon the character of Doshas and the ability of agni (enzymes answerable for digestion and metabolism).
Thereafter, when the affected person has not taken a heavy meal within the evening, Anuvasana Basti (fats enema) is given to him if the affected person is match for such Anuvasana remedy. [20 2/4- 2/4 22]

Time of Anuvasana Basti

शीते वसन्ते च दिवाऽनुवास्यो रात्रौ शरद्ग्रीष्मघनागमेषु||२२|| तानेव दोषान् परिरक्षता ये स्नेहस्य पाने परिकीर्तिताः प्राक्|२३|
śīte vasante ca divā’nuvāsyo rātrau śaradgrīṣmaghanāgameṣu||22|| tāneva doṣān parirakṣatā ye snehasya pāne parikīrtitāḥ prāk|23|
In Shishira and Vasanta Rutu – winter and spring seasons, Anuvasana basti is given in the course of the day;
In Sharath and Greeshma and Varsha Rutus (autumn, summer season, raining) it’s administered in the course of the evening time.
Care is taken to keep away from errors as described earlier (vide Sutra 13: 19-21) in respect of the administration of oleation remedy. [22 2/4 – 2/4 23]

Frequency of Anuvasana Basti
प्रत्यागते चाप्यनुवासनीये दिवा प्रदेयं व्युषिताय भोज्यम्||२३|| सायं च भोज्यं परतो द्व्यहे वा त्र्यहेऽनुवास्योऽहनि पञ्चमे व |
pratyāgate cāpyanuvāsanīye divā pradeyaṃ vyuṣitāya bhojyam||23|| sāyaṃ ca bhojyaṃ parato dvyahe vā tryahe’nuvāsyo’hani pañcame vā |

त्र्यहे त्र्यहे वाऽप्यथ पञ्चमे वा दद्यान्निरूहादनुवासनं च||२४||
tryahe tryahe vā’pyatha pañcame vā dadyānnirūhādanuvāsanaṃ ca||24||
After the administered Anuvasana drugs comes out of the anal tract, the affected person shouldn’t take any meals at evening.
Throughout the subsequent day, breakfast and dinner is given.
Thereafter, on the 2nd, third and fifth days, Anuvasana is given. After that, each third- or fifth-days Niruha sort of medicated enema is given adopted by Anuvasana. [23 2/4- 24]

Variety of Anuvasana Basti primarily based on Dosha
एकं तथा त्रीन् कफजे विकारे पित्तात्मके पञ्च तु सप्त वाऽपि| वाते नवैकादश वा पुनर्वा बस्तीनयुग्मान् कुशलो विदध्यात्||२५||
ekaṃ tathā trīn kaphaje vikāre pittātmake pañca tu sapta vā’pi| vāte navaikādaśa vā punarvā bastīnayugmān kuśalo vidadhyāt||25||
In Kaphaja illnesses – 1-3 Bastis (medicated enema).
In Paittika illnesses – 5-7 Bastis, and in
Vatika illnesses -11th of September Bastis are administered.
On this approach an skilled doctor ought to give Bastis in odd numbers. [25]

Niruha Anuvasana Time hole

Time Hole for Niruha After Virechana and for Virechana After Niruha:
नरो विरिक्तस्तु निरूहदानं विवर्जयेत् सप्तदिनान्यवश्यम्| शुद्धो निरूहेण विरेचनं च तद्ध्यस्य शून्यं विकसेच्छरीरम्||२६||
naro viriktastu nirūhadānaṃ vivarjayet saptadinānyavaśyam| śuddho nirūheṇa virecanaṃ ca taddhyasya śūnyaṃ vikaseccharīram||26||

After purgation, an individual ought to keep away from Niruha Basti, and after niruha basti one ought to keep away from purgation remedy for seven days as a result of it is going to have injurious results on the physique which is already empty [of nourishing material] by the sooner remedy. [26]

Results of Niruha Basti

बस्तिर्वयःस्थापयिता सुखायुर्बलाग्निमेधास्वरवर्णकृच्च| सर्वार्थकारी शिशुवृद्धयूनां निरत्ययः सर्वगदापहश्च||२७||
विट्श्लेष्मपित्तानिलमूत्रकर्षी दार्ढ्यावहः शुक्रबलप्रदश्च| विश्वक्स्थितं दोषचयं निरस्य सर्वान् विकारान् शमयेन्निरूहः||२८||
bastirvayaḥsthāpayitā sukhāyurbalāgnimedhāsvaravarṇakṛcca| sarvārthakārī śiśuvṛddhayūnāṃ niratyayaḥ sarvagadāpahaśca||27||
viṭśleṣmapittānilamūtrakarṣī dārḍhyāvahaḥ śukrabalapradaśca| viśvaksthitaṃ doṣacayaṃ nirasya sarvān vikārān śamayennirūhaḥ||28||

Impact of Niruha Basti
Niruha Basti has the next results:
It prevents getting older means of the physique;
It promotes happiness, longevity, energy, energy of digestion and metabolism, mind), voice and complexion
It accomplishes all of the objects (together with mutually contradictory ones like stability or plumpness and emaciation);
It’s innocent for infants, outdated individuals and youth;
It helps in curing all illnesses
It helps in drawing out faeces, Kapha, Pitta, Vayu and urine;
It promotes sturdiness of the physique
It enriches semen and promotes energy and
Whereas eliminating amassed Doshas (morbid matter) from your entire physique, it (Niruha sort of enema) alleviates all of the illnesses. [27-28]

Results of Anuvasana Basti

देहे निरूहेण विशुद्धमार्गे संस्नेहनं वर्णबलप्रदं च| न तैलदानात् परमस्ति किञ्चिद्द्रव्यं विशेषेण समीरणार्ते ||२९||
स्नेहेन रौक्ष्यं लघुतां गुरुत्वादौष्ण्याच्च शैत्यं पवनस्य हत्वा| तैलं ददात्याशु मनःप्रसादं वीर्यं बलं वर्णमथाग्निपुष्टिम् ||३०||
मूले निषिक्तो हि यथा द्रुमः स्यान्नीलच्छदः कोमलपल्लवाग्र्यः| काले महान् पुष्पफलप्रदश्च तथा नरः स्यादनुवासनेन||३१||
dehe nirūheṇa viśuddhamārge saṃsnehanaṃ varṇabalapradaṃ ca| na tailadānāt paramasti kiñciddravyaṃ viśeṣeṇa samīraṇārte ||29||
snehena raukṣyaṃ laghutāṃ gurutvādauṣṇyācca śaityaṃ pavanasya hatvā| tailaṃ dadātyāśu manaḥprasādaṃ vīryaṃ balaṃ varṇamathāgnipuṣṭim ||30||
mūle niṣikto hello yathā drumaḥ syānnīlacchadaḥ komalapallavāgryaḥ| kāle mahān puṣpaphalapradaśca tathā naraḥ syādanuvāsanena||31|

Results of Anuvasana Basti:
The channels of the physique get cleansed by Niruha. Administration of Snehana or Anuvasana basti to such an individual promotes his complexion and energy.
There isn’t any remedy higher than the administration of oil (anuvasana basti) which is very helpful for the affected person bothered with illnesses attributable to Vata.

The oil by its unctuousness, heaviness and heating property counteracts the non-unctuousness (dryness), lightness and cooling attributes of Vata respectively. Due to this, administration of oil (Anuvasana-Basti) instantaneously produces readability of thoughts, and promotes vitality, energy complexion and Agni (energy of digestion and metabolism). Simply as a tree irrigated with water on the root produces blue leaves, turns into lovely with tender leaves, and in the course of the course of time grows to provide flowers and fruits, equally, an individual turns into [young and beautiful with procreative power]by the administration of Anuvasana or unctuous sort of medicated enema. [29-31]

Results of Niruha and Anuvasana in Normal:
स्तब्धाश्च ये सङ्कुचिताश्च येऽपि ये पङ्गवो येऽपि च भग्नरुग्णाः| येषां च शाखासु चरन्ति वाताः शस्तो विशेषेण हि तेषु बस्तिः||३२||
आध्मापने विग्रथिते पुरीषे शूले च भक्तानभिनन्दने च| एवम्प्रकाराश्च भवन्ति कुक्षौ ये चामयास्तेषु च बस्तिरिष्टः||३३||
याश्च स्त्रियो वातकृतोपसर्गा गर्भं न गृह्णन्ति नृभिः समेताः| क्षीणेन्द्रिया ये च नराः कृशाश्च बस्तिः प्रशस्तः परमं च तेषु||३४||
stabdhāśca ye saṅkucitāśca ye’pi ye paṅgavo ye’pi ca bhagnarugṇāḥ| yeṣāṃ ca śākhāsu caranti vātāḥ śasto viśeṣeṇa hello teṣu bastiḥ||32||
ādhmāpane vigrathite purīṣe śūle ca bhaktānabhinandane ca| evamprakārāśca bhavanti kukṣau ye cāmayāsteṣu ca bastiriṣṭaḥ||33||
yāśca striyo vātakṛtopasargā garbhaṃ na gṛhṇanti nṛbhiḥ sametāḥ| kṣīṇendriyā ye ca narāḥ kṛśāśca bastiḥ praśastaḥ paramaṃ ca teṣu||34||

Basti or medicated enema is very helpful for the next varieties of individuals:
whose limbs have change into stiff and contracted;
who’re lame
who’re bothered with fractures and dislocations and
whose entire limbs are bothered by the motion of various kinds of aggravated Vata
Basti can also be helpful for the therapy of the next illnesses:
Distension of the stomach by air
Scybalous stool
Colic ache
Disliking for meals; and
Such different illnesses affecting the pelvic area
Basti is a wonderful remedy for girls who’re bothered with the issues of Vata, and who’re unable to conceive despite mating with their male companions. It’s also extraordinarily helpful for males having seminal debility and emaciation of the physique. [32- 34]

Collection of Basti for Totally different Sort of Sufferers:
उष्णाभिभूतेषु वदन्ति शीताञ्छीताभिभूतेषु तथा सुखोष्णान्| तत्प्रत्यनीकौषधसम्प्रयुक्तान् सर्वत्र बस्तीन् प्रविभज्य युञ्ज्यात्||३५||
uṣṇābhibhūteṣu vadanti śītāñchītābhibhūteṣu tathā sukhoṣṇān| tatpratyanīkauṣadhasamprayuktān sarvatra bastīn pravibhajya yuñjyāt||35||
In line with consultants, [in the administration of Pancha-Karma therapy) cooling basti (medicated enema) is given to the patients suffering from diseases caused by hot ingredients. And lukewarm Basti is given to the patients suffering from diseases caused by cooling ingredients.
In all cases, different types of Basti containing ingredients having attributes opposite to the attributes of the etiological factors of diseases are administered. [35]

Contra indications for Anuvasana, Niruha

Contra indications for Anuvasana
न बृंहणीयान् विदधीत बस्तीन् विशोधनीयेषु गदेषु वैद्यः| कुष्ठप्रमेहादिषु मेदुरेषु नरेषु ये चापि विशोधनीयाः||३६||
na bṛṃhaṇīyān vidadhīta bastīn viśodhanīyeṣu gadeṣu vaidyaḥ| kuṣṭhapramehādiṣu medureṣu nareṣu ye cāpi viśodhanīyāḥ||36||
To the sufferers needing cleaning and cleansing shouldn’t be given Brumhaniya or Anuvasana) Basti. For instance, folks with Kushta, Prameha and weight problems want Shodhana Basti, there we have to keep away from Anuvasana. [36]

Contra indication for Niruha Basti
क्षीणक्षतानां न विशोधनीयान्न शोषिणां नो भृशदुर्बलानाम्| न मूर्च्छितानां न विशोधितानां येषां च दोषेषु निबद्धमायुः||३७||
kṣīṇakṣatānāṃ na viśodhanīyānna śoṣiṇāṃ no bhṛśadurbalānām| na mūrcchitānāṃ na viśodhitānāṃ yeṣāṃ ca doṣeṣu nibaddhamāyuḥ||37||

Niruha or evacuative sort of Basti shouldn’t be given to sufferers affected by Kshataksheena, (phthisis), Shosha (consumption), excessive debility and Murccha (fainting), and to those that have already undergone the method of purification, and to these life relies upon the holding up of Doshas (morbid matter). [37]

Significance of Basti Chikitsa

शाखागताः कोष्ठगताश्च रोगा मर्मोर्ध्वसर्वावयवाङ्गजाश्च|ये सन्ति तेषां न हि कश्चिदन्यो वायोः परं जन्मनि हेतुरस्ति||३८||
विण्मूत्रपित्तादिमलाशयानां विक्षेपसङ्घातकरः स यस्मात्| तस्यातिवृद्धस्य शमाय नान्यद्बस्तिं विना भेषजमस्ति किञ्चित्||३९||
तस्माच्चिकित्सार्धमिति ब्रुवन्ति सर्वां चिकित्सामपि बस्तिमेके|४०|
śākhāgatāḥ koṣṭhagatāśca rogā marmordhvasarvāvayavāṅgajāśca|ye santi teṣāṃ na hello kaścidanyo vāyoḥ paraṃ janmani heturasti||38||
viṇmūtrapittādimalāśayānāṃ vikṣepasaṅghātakaraḥ sa yasmāt| tasyātivṛddhasya śamāya nānyadbastiṃ vinā bheṣajamasti kiñcit||39||
tasmāccikitsārdhamiti bruvanti sarvāṃ cikitsāmapi bastimeke|40|

There’s none aside from Vayu which is an important causative issue of illnesses in
Shakha (peripheral tissue parts),
Kostha (Visceras of the Thorax and Stomach) (the physique), Sarvavayava (protecting your entire physique) and
Anga (particular person components of the physique).

Vayu is answerable for the separation (Viksepa=Vibhaga) and mixture (sanghata=Samyoga) of stool, urine, Pitta, (Kapha), together with different excreta and tissue parts (Asaya: usually that means receptacle, which has been interpreted by Chakrapani as tissue parts]. When vata will get exceedingly aggravated there is no such thing as a treatment aside from Basti for its alleviation.
Due to this fact, Basti is taken into account by physicians to be half of your entire therapeutic measures. Some physicians even go to the extent of suggesting that Basti represents (not half however) the entire of therapeutic measures. [38 – 2/4 40]

Definition of Basti, Samyak Basti Lakshana

नाभिप्रदेशं कटिपार्श्वकुक्षिं गत्वा शकृद्दोषचयं विलोड्य ||४०||संस्नेह्य कायं सपुरीषदोषः सम्यक् सुखेनैति च यः स बस्तिः |४१|
The remedy which whereas transferring within the umbilical area, lumbar area, sides of the chest and pelvic area churns up the stool together with all the opposite morbid matter situated there, and appropriately, eliminates them (stool and different morbid materials) with ease after nourishing (lit. oleating) the physique known as Basti. [40 ½ – 2/4 41]

Indicators of Appropriately Administered Niruha Basti:

प्रसृष्टविण्मूत्रसमीरणत्वं रुच्यग्निवृद्ध्याशयलाघवानि||४१|| रोगोपशान्तिः प्रकृतिस्थता च बलं च तत् स्यात् सुनिरूढलिङ्गम्|४२|
prasṛṣṭaviṇmūtrasamīraṇatvaṃ rucyagnivṛddhyāśayalāghavāni||41|| rogopaśāntiḥ prakṛtisthatā ca balaṃ ca tat syāt sunirūḍhaliṅgam|42|
The next indicators are manifested if niruha basti is appropriately administered:
Acceptable elimination of stool, urine and flatus
Promotion of urge for food and agni (energy of digestion and metabolism)
Lightness of the Asaya (lit. Receptacle: tissue parts based on the sooner commentary of Cakrapani)
Alleviation of illnesses and
Restoration of pure well being and energy. [41 2/4- 2/4 42]

Indicators of improperly Administered Niruha Basti:
स्याद्रुक्छिरोहृद्गुदबस्तिलिङ्गे शोफः प्रतिश्यायविकर्तिके च||४२||
हृल्लासिका मारुतमूत्रसङ्गः श्वासो न सम्यक् च निरूहिते स्युः|४३|
syādrukchirohṛdgudabastiliṅge śophaḥ pratiśyāyavikartike ca||42||
hṛllāsikā mārutamūtrasaṅgaḥ śvāso na samyak ca nirūhite syuḥ|43|

If the niruha or evacuative sort of medicated enema is inappropriately administered (i.e., administered in a smaller dose), then this offers rise to the next indicators and signs:
Ache within the head, cardiac area, anal area, urinary bladder and oedema of penis, coryza, gripping ache and nausea,
Retention of flatus and urine and
Dyspnoea [42 2/4- 2/4 43]

Indicators and signs of Niruha Basti excessively administered
लिङ्गं यदेवातिविरेचितस्य भवेत्तदेवातिनिरूहितस्य||४३||
liṅgaṃ yadevātivirecitasya bhavettadevātinirūhitasya||43||
The indicators and signs of Niruha Basti or evacuative sort of medicated enema when utilized in extra amount are the identical as these attributable to the extreme administration of purgation remedy (vide verse no 19 2/4- 2/4 20.

Indicators and signs of correctly administered Anuvasana Basti:
प्रत्येत्यसक्तं सशकृच्च तैलं रक्तादिबुद्धीन्द्रियसम्प्रसादः |स्वप्नानुवृत्तिर्लघुता बलं च सृष्टाश्च वेगाः स्वनुवासिते स्युः||४४||
pratyetyasaktaṃ saśakṛcca tailaṃ raktādibuddhīndriyasamprasādaḥ |svapnānuvṛttirlaghutā balaṃ ca sṛṣṭāśca vegāḥ svanuvāsite syuḥ||44||
Correct administration of Anuvasana Basti or unctuous sort of medicated enema provides rise to the indicators and signs as follows:
Return of the recipe containing oil, and so on., with faecal matter with none obstruction;
Purity of the tissues, viz, blood, and so on.
Readability of mind and senses
Good and steady sleep;
Lightness and energy within the physique; and
Correct manifestation of pure urges with none obstruction [44]

Indicators and signs of improperly administered anuvasana basti
अधःशरीरोदरबाहुपृष्ठपार्श्वेषु रुग्रूक्षखरं च गात्रम् |
ग्रहश्च विण्मूत्रसमीरणानामसम्यगेतान्यनुवासितस्य ||४५||
adhaḥśarīrodarabāhupṛṣṭhapārśveṣu rugrūkṣakharaṃ ca gātram |
grahaśca viṇmūtrasamīraṇānāmasamyagetānyanuvāsitasya ||45||

Improper administration of Anuvasana Basti or unctuous sort of medicated enema provides rise to indicators and signs as follows:
Ache within the decrease a part of the physique, stomach, arms, again and sides of the chest;
Non-unctuousness (dryness) and roughness of the physique; and
Obstruction within the passage of stool, urine and flatus [45]

Indicators and Signs of excessively administered anuvasana basti:
हृल्लासमोहक्लमसादमूर्च्छाविकर्तिका चात्यनुवासितस्य|४६|
hṛllāsamohaklamasādamūrcchāvikartikā cātyanuvāsitasya|46|
Extreme administration of Anuvasana – Basti or unctuous sort of medicated enema provides rise to nausea, unconsciousness, psychological fatigue, exhaustion, fainting and gripping ache . [2/4 46]

Length of retaining anuvasana basti

यस्येह यामाननुवर्तते त्रीन् स्नेहो नरः स्यात् स विशुद्धदेहः||४६||
आश्वागतेऽन्यस्तु पुनर्विधेयः स्नेहो न संस्नेहयति ह्यतिष्ठन्|४७|
yasyeha yāmānanuvartate trīn sneho naraḥ syāt sa viśuddhadehaḥ||46||
āśvāgate’nyastu punarvidheyaḥ sneho na saṃsnehayati hyatiṣṭhan|47|

If the unctuous materials administered for Anuvasana Basti is retained for 3 Yamas then the physique of the particular person will get cleansed of morbid materials. If it comes out rapidly (earlier than 9 hours) then one other Anuvasana Basti or unctuous sort of medicated enema is run. If the unctuous materials isn’t appropriately retained (within the rectum) then an applicable unctuous impact isn’t produced within the physique of the particular person. [46 2/4 – 2/4 47]

Totally different Kinds of Basti Remedy

त्रिंशन्मताः कर्म नु बस्तयो हि कालस्ततोऽर्धेन ततश्च योगः||४७||
सान्वासना द्वादश वै निरूहाः प्राक् स्नेह एकः परतश्च पञ्च| काले त्रयोऽन्ते पुरतस्तथैकः स्नेहा निरूहान्तरिताश्च षट् स्युः||४८||
योगे निरूहास्त्रय एव देयाः स्नेहाश्च पञ्चैव परादिमध्याः|४९|
triṃśanmatāḥ karma nu bastayo hello kālastato’rdhena tataśca yogaḥ||47||
sānvāsanā dvādaśa vai nirūhāḥ prāk sneha ekaḥ parataśca pañca| kāle trayo’nte puratastathaikaḥ snehā nirūhāntaritāśca ṣaṭ syuḥ||48||
yoge nirūhāstraya eva deyāḥ snehāśca pañcaiva parādimadhyāḥ|49|

In Karma(n) sort, thirty Bastis or enema are administered. Within the Kala sort of Basti remedy, the variety of enemas is half of the previous [as explained in the commentary is sixteen in number, and not fifteen]. Within the yoga sort of Basti remedy, the variety of enemas to be given is half of the previous [eight according to Chakrapani].

In Karma-Basti, 12 Anuvasanas (unctuous sort of enema) and 12 Niruhas are administered, one alternating with the opposite.
Earlier than this, 1 Anuvasana Basti at first, and 5 on the finish are administered for the aim of oleation. [Thus, in total, thirty Bastis are to be given for Karma Basti.

1=A 2 = A 3 = N 4 = A 5 = N 6 = A 7 = N 8 = A 9 = N 10 = A
11 = N 12 = A 13 = N 14 = A 15 = N 16 = A 17 = N 18 = A 19 = N 20 = A
21= N 22 = A 23= N 24 = A 25 = N 26 = A 27 = A 28 = A 29 = A 30 = AF

In Kala basti, 6 Anuvasanas and 6 Niruhas are given, one alternating with the other. Before this, in the beginning, one anuvasana is given for the purpose of oleation. [Thus, in total, sixteen bastis are to be given in Kala Type].

1=A 2 = N 3 = A 4 = N 5 = A 6 = N 7 = A 8 = N 9 = A 10 = N
11 = A 12 = N 13 = A 14 = A 15 = A  

In Yoga basti, three Niruhas are to be given at first, within the center and on the finish, 5 anuvasana bastis are to be given. [Thus, in this type, eight bastis in total are to be given]. [47 2/ 4- 2/4 49]

1=A 2 = N 3 = A 4 = N 5 = A 6 = N 7 = A 8 = A

Variety of anuvasana basti for Snehana
त्रीन् पञ्च वाऽऽहुश्चतुरोऽथ षड्वा वातादिकानामनुवासनीयान् [१] ||४९||
स्नेहान् प्रदायाशु भिषग्विदध्यात् स्रोतोविशुद्यर्थमतो निरूहान्|५०|
trīn pañca vā”huścaturo’tha ṣaḍvā vātādikānāmanuvāsanīyān [1] ||49||
snehān pradāyāśu bhiṣagvidadhyāt srotoviśudyarthamato nirūhān|50|

Some maintain the view that after giving three, 5, 4 or six Anuvasana bastis for the aim of oleation, to sufferers affected by illnesses attributable to Vata (Pitta and Kapha) the doctor ought to thereafter, administer Niruha Basti for the cleaning of the [obstructed] Srotas or channels of circulation. [49 2/4- 2/4 50]

Shiro virechana

विशुद्धदेहस्य ततः क्रमेण स्निग्धं तलस्वेदितमुत्तमाङ्गम्||५०||
विरेचयेत्त्रिर्द्विरथैकशो वा बलं समीक्ष्य त्रिविधं मलानाम्|
viśuddhadehasya tataḥ krameṇa snigdhaṃ talasveditamuttamāṅgam||50||
virecayettrirdvirathaikaśo vā balaṃ samīkṣya trividhaṃ malānām|

Errhine Remedy
When the physique of the affected person is cleansed, his head is consecutively anointed and fomented with the assistance of the palm. After ascertaining the energy of the three varieties of Doshas, he’s given errhine remedy, as soon as, twice or thrice. [50 2/4 – 2/4 51]

Nasya Samyak, Mithya yoga and Ati yoga

Samyak Yoga
उरःशिरोलाघवमिन्द्रियाच्छ्यं स्रोतोविशुद्धिश्च भवेद्विशुद्धे||५१||
uraḥśirolāghavamindriyācchyaṃ srotoviśuddhiśca bhavedviśuddhe||51||

Indicators and Signs of appropriately administered remedy
Appropriately administered siro-virecana remedy provides rise to feeling of lightness of the chest and head, readability of the senses and cleaning of the srotas (channels of circulation). [51 2/4]

Mithya Yoga
गलोपलेपः शिरसो गुरुत्वं निष्ठीवनं चाप्यथ दुर्विरिक्ते|
galopalepaḥ śiraso gurutvaṃ niṣṭhīvanaṃ cāpyatha durvirikte|

Indicators and signs of inappropriately administered errhine remedy
Inappropriate administration of Nasya remedy provides rise to
Gala Upalepa – adhesion of sticky materials within the throat,
Gurutva Shiraso – heaviness of the pinnacle and ptyalism. [2/4 52]

Ati Yoga
शिरोक्षिशङ्खश्रवणार्तितोदावत्यर्थशुद्धे तिमिरं च पश्येत्||५२||
śirokṣiśaṅkhaśravaṇārtitodāvatyarthaśuddhe timiraṃ ca paśyet||52||

Indicators and signs of excessively administered Errhine remedy
Extreme administration of errhine remedy provides rise to reducing and aching ache in head, eyes temples and ears, and fainting. [52 2/4]

Administration of Atiyoga of Nasya

स्यात्तर्पणं तत्र मृदु द्रवं च स्निग्धस्य तीक्ष्णं तु पुनर्न योगे|५३|
syāttarpaṇaṃ tatra mṛdu dravaṃ ca snigdhasya tīkṣṇaṃ tu punarna yoge|53|
For the administration of circumstances arising out of extreme Nasya remedy, the affected person is given Tarpana drinks that are tender and Snigdha (containing fats)
For the administration of circumstances arising out of inappropriate administration of errhine remedy, the affected person is given Sneha Karma and thereafter, Teekshna Nasya is given to the affected person. [2/4 53]

Utility of PanchaKarma Remedy:
इत्यातुरस्वस्थसुखः प्रयोगो बलायुषोर्वृद्धिकृदामयघ्नः||५३||
ityāturasvasthasukhaḥ prayogo balāyuṣorvṛddhikṛdāmayaghnaḥ||53||
PanchaKarma (5 purificatory therapies) described above bestow happiness to each the sufferers and wholesome individuals by selling their energy and longevity, and in addition by curing their illnesses. [53 2/4]

Interval interval between two programs of remedy
कालस्तु बस्त्यादिषु याति यावांस्तावान् भवेद्द्विः परिहारकालः|५४|
kālastu bastyādiṣu yāti yāvāṃstāvān bhaveddviḥ parihārakālaḥ|54|
The interval between two programs of Basti (together with emesis, purgation and errhine therapies) is double the interval for which these therapies had been initially administered. [2/4 54]

Prohibitions throughout Panchakarma Therapies

अत्यासनस्थानवचांसि यानं स्वप्नं दिवा मैथुनवेगरोधान्||५४|| शीतोपचारातपशोकरोषांस्त्यजेदकालाहितभोजनं च|५५|
atyāsanasthānavacāṃsi yānaṃ svapnaṃ divā maithunavegarodhān||54|| śītopacārātapaśokaroṣāṃstyajedakālāhitabhojanaṃ ca|55|
Whereas present process panchakarma therapies, the affected person ought to keep away from the next:
Extreme sitting, standing, talking and driving (over automobiles and horses)
Sleep throughout day time
Sexual activity
Suppression of the manifested pure urges
Cooling regimens
Publicity to scorching Solar
Grief and anger and
Consumption of urinary and unwholesome meals

Components inhibiting recipes of basti to enter and are available out easily:
बद्धे प्रणीते विषमं च नेत्रे मार्गे तथाऽर्शःकफविड्विबद्धे ||५५||
न याति बस्तिर्न सुखं निरेति दोषावृतोऽल्पो यदि वाऽल्पवीर्यः|५६|
baddhe praṇīte viṣamaṃ ca netre mārge tathā’rśaḥkaphaviḍvibaddhe ||55||
na yāti bastirna sukhaṃ nireti doṣāvṛto’lpo yadi vā’lpavīryaḥ|56|

The recipe of Basti doesn’t attain its vacation spot due to the next:
If the nozzle is clogged or inserted obliquely; and
If the rectal passage is blocked by piles, mucus or arduous stool
The recipe after enema doesn’t come out with ease due to the next:
if the trail within the enema is obstructed by Doshas
If the recipe of enema is much less in amount and
If the recipe is of low efficiency [55 2/4- 2/4 56]

Components Answerable for Faster Elimination of enema

प्राप्ते तु वर्चोनिलमूत्रवेगे वातेऽतिवृद्धेऽल्पबले गुदे वा||५६||
अत्युष्णतीक्ष्णश्च मृदौ च कोष्ठे प्रणीतमात्रः पुनरेति बस्तिः|५७|
prāpte tu varconilamūtravege vāte’tivṛddhe’lpabale gude vā||56||
atyuṣṇatīkṣṇaśca mṛdau ca koṣṭhe praṇītamātraḥ punareti bastiḥ|57|
The recipes of enema come out although the anus instantly after it’s administered due to the next:
If there may be sudden urge for voiding faeces, flatus or urine;
If there may be extreme aggravation of vayu,
If there may be lack of energy within the anal muscle mass to retain the recipe
If the recipe incorporates components that are excessively scorching and sharp and
If the particular person has lax bowel (mrdu kostha) [56 2/4- 2/4 57]

Incapability of Basti to Remedy of curable Illness

मेदःकफाभ्यामनिलो निरुद्धः शूलाङ्गसुप्तिश्वयथून् करोति||५७||
स्नेहं तु युञ्जन्नबुधस्तु तस्मै संवर्धयत्येव हि तान् विकारान्|
रोगास्तथाऽन्येऽप्यवितर्क्यमाणाः परस्परेणावगृहीतमार्गाः||५८||
सन्दूषिता धातुभिरेव चान्यैः स्वैर्भेषजैर्नोपशमं व्रजन्ति|५९|
medaḥkaphābhyāmanilo niruddhaḥ śūlāṅgasuptiśvayathūn karoti||57||
snehaṃ tu yuñjannabudhastu tasmai saṃvardhayatyeva hello tān vikārān|
rogāstathā’nye’pyavitarkyamāṇāḥ paraspareṇāvagṛhītamārgāḥ||58||

sandūṣitā dhātubhireva cānyaiḥ svairbheṣajairnopaśamaṃ vrajanti|59|

If the Vayu will get occluded by Medas (fats) and Kapha), then it provides rise to colic ache, numbness of the physique and oedema. When an ignorant doctor administers Sneha (unctuous recipe with the intention to alleviate these illnesses) then they really get aggravated. Equally, they produce different illnesses which can’t even be imagined and which most likely are tough to treatment. Other than this, they vitiate blood and different tissues and trigger many illnesses that are incurable despite being administered with good and logical remedies. [57 2/4- 2/4 59]

Causes for Failure of Chikitsa

सर्वं च रोगप्रशमाय कर्म हीनातिमात्रं विपरीतकालम्||५९||
मिथ्योपचाराच्च न तं विकारं शान्तिं नयेत् पथ्यमपि प्रयुक्तम्|६०|
sarvaṃ ca rogapraśamāya karma hīnātimātraṃ viparītakālam||59||
mithyopacārācca na taṃ vikāraṃ śāntiṃ nayet pathyamapi prayuktam|60|
All therapeutic measures administered to alleviate a illness despite the fact that healthful and skilfully given fail to treatment it, if they’re utilized in lesser or extreme doses or on the improper time or within the improper method. Due to this fact, the illnesses get cured solely when medicines are administered within the correct dose and correct time by sensible and skilled physicians. [59 2/4 – 2/4 60]

तत्र श्लोकः- प्रश्नानिमान् द्वादश पञ्चकर्माण्युद्दिश्य सिद्धाविह कल्पनायाम्||६०||
प्रजाहितार्थं भगवान् महार्थान् सम्यग्जगादर्षिवरोऽत्रिपुत्रः||६१||
tatra ślokaḥ- praśnānimān dvādaśa pañcakarmāṇyuddiśya siddhāviha kalpanāyām||60||
prajāhitārthaṃ bhagavān mahārthān samyagjagādarṣivaro’triputraḥ||61||

To sum up: – Lord Atreya, the foremost among the many sages described the profitable administration of Panchakarma (5 purificatory therapies) for the wellbeing of the folks within the type of reply to the twelve queries (described in verse nos. 3-5) [60 2/4- 61]

इत्यग्निवेशकृते तन्त्रे चरकप्रतिसंस्कृतेऽप्राप्ते दृढबलसम्पूरिते सिद्धिस्थाने कल्पनासिद्धिर्नाम प्रथमोऽध्यायः||१||
ityagniveśakṛte tantre carakapratisaṃskṛte’prāpte dṛḍhabalasampūrite siddhisthāne kalpanāsiddhirnāma prathamo’dhyāyaḥ||1||
Thus, ends the primary chapter of the siddhi part known as “Kalpana- Sidhhi profitable administration of therapeutic measures)” within the textual content of Agnivesha which was redacted by Charaka, and due to its non-availability, supplemented by Drdhabala.






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